Saturday 18 August 2012

All You Need to Know about Septum Piercing

The word septum basically refers to the part or the cavity that is present to behave just like a partition wall between the two tissues or may be two cavities.  A nasal septum therefore is the cartilage present between the two walls of the nostrils and thus when such cartilages in between these cavities is pierced and some sort of accessories are put within them it is termed as the septum piercing.  This type of piercings have been in practice for a long period of time now and it is believed that the bigger the size of the accessory worn in the pierced area the more enhanced look it gives to your piercing. 

The procedure involves for the septum piercing is the piercing of the cartilaginous wall present in between the two nostrils by the aid of a needle or some sort of wire made by gold or silver at times. The needles and the wire that are to be used for the septum piercing must be sterilized before they can be utilized. Generally the width of the septum piercing can be about 1.6mm but then again it depends on your case and thus the widths could be more but for that use of wider instruments should be through including scalpels etc. The nose that is about to get the septum piercing must be much cleaned before the piercing can be done on it. The procedure can be very painful but if you are getting it done by a professional then it should be completed without any difficulty. 

The accessory that must be used in the septum piercing depends upon the width of the piercing. In general the accessories come in the width of 1.6mm but for those who wish to get wider piercing, wider accessories are also available.  Usually a semi ring or sometimes a ring can be worn in the hole which can be of various sizes. 

The aftercare session of septum piercing is very crucial and good care must be taken for proper healing.  After the piercing a little swelling may occur due to the secretion of the white fluids but notice if the secretions color is turning into yellow or maybe green then it may be a sign of any complication and you must consult a good doctor for the treatment. Keep the area clean for better healing and results.

1 comment:

  1. I have been thinking for septum piercing last weeks. Someone told me he wasn't face much problem in their piercing. You have share very useful blog for me which is encouraging me for piercing septum.
